Westmoreland Public LIbrary
Online Catatlog Help
My Account Access
You may access the catalog and your account anywhere you have Internet access. All you need is your patron barcode and your password.
Patrons may:
Log In
To log into your account, click on Your Account Log In at the upper right hand corner of the catalog page. You don't need to log in to search the catalog, but you will need to log in if you want to place a hold, renew your items, or search your history.
Enter your library card number and password. Your library number can be found on the back of your new library card under the bar code. If you do not know your password, please contact the library. Click Log in.
Once you have logged in, you will be able to see your personal account information.
Search for Items
Select the search index you want to use:
Click on Search.
In the search results view click on Show More Details on the top bar to see more information about that item.
Use the format icons to help you determine the exact item you want. It could be a book, audio book, or e-book. Westmoreland Library has access to e-books through the State Library's downloadable books. See our Downloadable Books page for more info.
Check the item status to see if it’s available or checked out.
Click on the title to see the full record.
When you’ve determined that this is the item you want, click on Place Hold. This will alert us that you want that item and we can set it aside for you. If the item is checked out, we will let you know when it comes back and you can pick it up. You will need to be logged in for this to work.
Place a Hold on an Item
To place a hold on an item, click the green Hold check mark on the right side of the item's record. The Holds page will come up with your information, giving you the choice of how you prefer to be contacted. Click sumbit at the bottom if all of your information is correct, or click cancel if you'd like to cancel the hold.
To Renew your items, click on Items Checked Out tab.
Check the box next to the items you want to renew.
Click Go.
Your History
Do you want to keep track of items you’ve checked out & holds you’ve placed?
Click on Account Preferences.
Click on Search Preferences.
Check Keep history of checked out items.
Check Keep history of holds.
Click on Save.
To View your Checked Out History:
Click on the Items Checked Out tab.
Click on Check Out History.
You will get a list of all the items you have ever checked out (or at least since you have started saving your History) with the dates you checked it out and brought it back.
If you need help, give us a call at 399-7750.
You may access the catalog and your account anywhere you have Internet access. All you need is your patron barcode and your password.
Patrons may:
- Renew items (items with holds cannot be renewed)
- Place holds on items
- Keep track of checked out items
- Keep track of holds
- Get e-mail notices for items coming due soon, holds ready for pickup and overdue items.
Log In
To log into your account, click on Your Account Log In at the upper right hand corner of the catalog page. You don't need to log in to search the catalog, but you will need to log in if you want to place a hold, renew your items, or search your history.
Enter your library card number and password. Your library number can be found on the back of your new library card under the bar code. If you do not know your password, please contact the library. Click Log in.
Once you have logged in, you will be able to see your personal account information.
Search for Items
Select the search index you want to use:
- Keyword
- Title
- Author
- Subject
Click on Search.
In the search results view click on Show More Details on the top bar to see more information about that item.
Use the format icons to help you determine the exact item you want. It could be a book, audio book, or e-book. Westmoreland Library has access to e-books through the State Library's downloadable books. See our Downloadable Books page for more info.
Check the item status to see if it’s available or checked out.
Click on the title to see the full record.
When you’ve determined that this is the item you want, click on Place Hold. This will alert us that you want that item and we can set it aside for you. If the item is checked out, we will let you know when it comes back and you can pick it up. You will need to be logged in for this to work.
Place a Hold on an Item
To place a hold on an item, click the green Hold check mark on the right side of the item's record. The Holds page will come up with your information, giving you the choice of how you prefer to be contacted. Click sumbit at the bottom if all of your information is correct, or click cancel if you'd like to cancel the hold.
To Renew your items, click on Items Checked Out tab.
Check the box next to the items you want to renew.
Click Go.
Your History
Do you want to keep track of items you’ve checked out & holds you’ve placed?
Click on Account Preferences.
Click on Search Preferences.
Check Keep history of checked out items.
Check Keep history of holds.
Click on Save.
To View your Checked Out History:
Click on the Items Checked Out tab.
Click on Check Out History.
You will get a list of all the items you have ever checked out (or at least since you have started saving your History) with the dates you checked it out and brought it back.
If you need help, give us a call at 399-7750.